Thursday, June 18, 2009

Daddy bono I mean Daddy hawk...

Dad (puts on Moms 'Hannah Montana' Glasses
Amanda "Dad you know those are moms"
Dad "Oh...I thought they were Hannah montana glasses"
Amanda "yeah sure..."
Dad "I kinda look like... what his name...oh yeah tony hawk."
Amanda "You mean Bono?"
Dad "Yeah... That Guy"

Tony Hawk



Danielle said...

Um...yeah. They look NOTHING alike. I can just hear both of you laughing after that awkward pause. :) But I'll tell you who Tony Hawk does look like.. a little like Uncle Dave. Don't you think?

Amanda said...

yeah he does!

Burrell said...

Hey! Thanks for changing your comment form! It's much easier to post a comment now. Woo. And yeah. Not the same thing. Plus, where's the picture of your dad in the sunglasses?
Also, you make me laugh.